Corporation13.Security status-0.7
AllianceAvg. time in corporation7 months, 21 days, 16 hours and 39 minutes
Date of birth 2011-04-16 09:02:00Id90649085
maphel > jay joringer fuck off cunt
jon joringer > fuck you Jay
Calgura > Jay, you\'re an asshole
Dizzy Uzzy > Fuck you Jay Joringer, you smug bastard
Thornir > screw you Jay
elberet > love you jay :p
moore mcray > Jay I effin hate you
KilleR NSK > Jay Joringer \u043a\u044b\u0448 \u043d\u0430
Jano Prim > lol jay still a cunt. Fuck you
Natasha Donnan > you know Jay, sometime you can be such a dick
Surrian O\'Connor > lol please dont write baout that fight in your blog :)
Caius Beriat > Hate you jay
Cadava Mendosa > lmao fuck you Jay, douche
Odidi PeYo > well fuck you 2 jay
nick matvey > Jay Joringer \u043c\u0443\u0434\u0438\u043b\u0430 \u0431\u043b\u044f
gushobbleton > jay joringer why do people hate you?
Athanor Ruthoern > Jay will you marry me then ?'

Employment history

13.13.2014-12-16 22:132024-09-21 22:559 years, 9 months, 5 days and 42 minutes
Sebiestor TribeSebiestor Tribe2014-12-16 22:122014-12-16 22:131 minute
United System's CommonwealthUnited System's Commonwealth2014-05-07 21:512014-12-16 22:127 months, 9 days and 21 minutes
Sebiestor TribeSebiestor Tribe2014-05-07 21:432014-05-07 21:518 minutes
Concentrated EvilConcentrated Evil2014-04-14 18:142014-05-07 21:4323 days, 3 hours and 29 minutes
Sebiestor TribeSebiestor Tribe2014-04-13 14:462014-04-14 18:141 day, 3 hours and 28 minutes
Serene VendettaSerene Vendetta2014-01-16 21:502014-04-13 14:462 months, 27 days, 16 hours and 56 minutes
Sebiestor TribeSebiestor Tribe2014-01-16 21:492014-01-16 21:501 minute
Don't Wardec Me BroDon't Wardec Me Bro2014-01-11 21:352014-01-16 21:495 days and 14 minutes
13.13.2014-01-09 21:462014-01-11 21:351 day, 23 hours and 49 minutes
Sebiestor TribeSebiestor Tribe2014-01-09 21:442014-01-09 21:462 minutes
Serene VendettaSerene Vendetta2013-12-11 22:102014-01-09 21:4428 days, 23 hours and 34 minutes
Pathfinders.Pathfinders.2013-11-28 21:372013-12-11 22:1013 days and 33 minutes
Sebiestor TribeSebiestor Tribe2013-11-28 20:372013-11-28 21:371 hour
Blackstar PrivateersBlackstar Privateers2013-11-27 19:432013-11-28 20:371 day and 54 minutes
13.13.2013-11-22 20:212013-11-27 19:434 days, 23 hours and 22 minutes
Blackstar PrivateersBlackstar Privateers2013-08-30 13:182013-11-22 20:212 months, 23 days, 7 hours and 3 minutes
Blackstar Privateer ConsortiumBlackstar Privateer Consortium2011-06-03 14:122013-08-30 13:182 years, 2 months, 26 days, 23 hours and 6 minutes
Sebiestor TribeSebiestor Tribe2011-06-03 14:122011-06-03 14:120 seconds
Joringer SpacetechJoringer Spacetech2011-05-20 19:552011-06-03 14:1213 days, 18 hours and 17 minutes
Republic UniversityRepublic University2011-04-16 09:022011-05-20 19:551 month, 4 days, 10 hours and 53 minutes